Bharat Datacenter

Process and Requirements for Downstream ISP

Last updated on 14/06/2024

The following items are required for a downstream ISP to get connected and announce their resources:

If a provider wants to become an upstream for another ISP, we allow that. However, the requirements still apply and the provider must submit these documents in their name along with the documents like LOA received from their end client.

Here is the process outline for downstream ISP connection:

  1. Once the service is confirmed, the customer has to mail the required details. The mail should come from an authorized email address listed on the WHOIS of the internet resource such as ASN or IP.
  2. If any additional details are required, NOC will contact the customer. Otherwise, if everything is in order, NOC will notify the customer and then begin the process of allowing the announcement and forwarding the same to their upstream provider. This process takes about 24 hours for full announcement.
  3. Meanwhile, NOC will provide relevant BGP details to establish BGP interconnection with the customer's router or server.