Bharat Datacenter

General Acceptable usage policy and Guidelines

Last updated on 10/08/2024


This Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) forms an integral part of our comprehensive Terms of Service, which is comprised of this policy along with the Legal Notice, Universal Terms and Conditions Agreement, General Privacy Policy, System Policies, and other product specific policies. Together, these documents establish the framework within which our services are provided and used. While this AUP outlines specific rules and guidelines for the proper use of our services, it operates in conjunction with the other aforementioned policies. This policy may also be referred as abuse policy.

In cases where this AUP refers to specific provisions or concepts, these may be detailed in one of the other governing policies. Users are expected to familiarize themselves with and adhere to all these policies, as they collectively govern the overall relationship and obligations between the parties. Any violation of this AUP or the other policies may result in consequences as defined within the Terms of Service.

Enforcement of this AUP, along with the associated policies, is the responsibility of our Network Operations Center and abuse departments. These teams are tasked with monitoring compliance, addressing violations, and ensuring that all users adhere to the standards and expectations established in our policies. By using our services, you agree to comply with the terms set forth in this AUP and the associated policies, ensuring that your usage aligns with the established guidelines.

Prohibited Activities

  1. Illegal and Malicious Activities

    Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in activities that are illegal, malicious, or harmful. Examples include:

  1. Prohibited Uses of Our Services

   In addition to the above, the following uses of our services are prohibited:

Legal Compliance

Users must adhere to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. The laws of the Republic of India govern all legal matters related to these services. Users must also comply with data localization laws and regulations of specific countries where applicable, ensuring that data is stored and processed in accordance with regional requirements.

Jurisdiction and Enforcement

Enforcement and Penalties

User Responsibilities

Security Measures

Users are responsible for implementing security measures to protect their accounts, systems, and data. This includes:

Reporting Violations

Users should promptly report any suspected violations of this AUP to our support or security teams, including detailed information and evidence.

Amendments and Updates

This Acceptable Usage Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in laws, regulations, or service practices. Users will be notified of any significant changes at least 1 month before such amendments are enforced.

Guidelines and Workflow

This guide outlines our abuse response process, providing transparency and understanding of the procedures followed by our departments enforcing the Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP). It is intended for internal use to aid our departments in managing and resolving abuse cases efficiently.

Abuse Response Process

  1. Initial Response and Verification:
    • Upon receiving an abuse report, our departments will first verify the legitimacy of the claim.
    • Evidence of the abuse will be forwarded to the client, who is required to address the issue and provide a response.
  2. Response Timeframes:
    • For Minor Issues: Clients are required to respond within 3 days for issues deemed small or one-time occurrences.
    • For Critical Issues: Clients must respond within 24 hours for critical issues such as DDoS attacks or brute force attempts.
  3. Actions on Non-Response:
    • If a response is not received within the stipulated timeframe, our departments may suspend the affected products/services at their sole discretion.
    • Prior to suspension, goodwill gestures, including follow-up emails, will be made to the client.
    • Generally, a total of 3 attempts will be made by the department to obtain a response, except in critical cases.
  4. Resolution Timeline:
    • The resolution process may span from 24 hours to a maximum of 15 days. Efforts will be made to avoid any takedowns or suspensions that could lead to customer loss.
    • For government-mandated takedown notices enforced by public courts, service suspension will be necessary, and clients will be notified accordingly.
  5. Extended Resolution Time:
    • If the resolution process is expected to exceed 15 days, approval from the head of the relevant department is required.
    • The case officer will determine whether an issue is categorized as minor or major, affecting the resolution timeline.

AUP Workflow

Escalation Matrix

  1. Level 1:
    • Clients may request an escalation to Level 1 through their account manager. The request will be reviewed in coordination with the department team.
  2. Level 2:
    • If the client is not satisfied with the Level 1 response, they may escalate to Level 2 by emailing the relevant department ( for the abuse department and for the Network Operations Center) to request an official review.
    • This review is final and binding.
  3. Level 3:
    • Clients have the option to escalate to Level 3 by emailing
    • Such requests may or may not be accepted based on their nature and relevance.